Access to the digital world

Web Application Development

Web applications are not just a tool, they are a strategic resource for modern business. They take your company into the digital era by providing efficient data management, user authorization and processing of large data. We develop web applications that expand capabilities your business and guarantee security and productivity.

Web Application Development
Appomart - Clutch recognizes Appomart as the top software developers in Israel for consumer apps.
Clutch recognizes Appomart as the top software developers in Israel for consumer apps.
Appomart - Appomart shines as top mobile app development company in Serbia according to Wadline International Rating Platform.
Appomart shines as top mobile app development company in Serbia according to Wadline International Rating Platform.
Appomart - We are in the TOP of the best IT contractors at UPWORK platform.
We are in the TOP of the best IT contractors at UPWORK platform.
Appomart - We have been included in the international top ranking of IT outsourcing companies by Clutch since 2017.
We have been included in the international top ranking of IT outsourcing companies by Clutch since 2017.
How we are working
Adaptive and cross-platform
We will create a product that will work on different devices, platforms and operating systems, including mobile devices, tablets and computers.
Security and Performance
We place special emphasis on data protection and performance optimization. You can be sure that your customers will be safe and your application will perform at the highest level.
Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
We specialize in creating Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) so your customers can install them on their home screens for easy access, while you get the benefits of mobile apps without having to install them.
Business mobilization, competent integration of mobile applications into existing infrastructure to improve business performance.
Appomart - Business
Careful project budget management, easy scalability, upgrades, fast launch. Support at all stages.
Appomart - Startups
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Your apple app on the cutting edge

In today`s world, where technology plays a key role, there are huge business opportunities. However, for many entrepreneurs, especially those who do not have experience in the IT field, the digital world may seem complex and incomprehensible. One of the first and important steps in this direction is creating a web presence.

Today, the Internet and online opportunities have become an integral part of our daily lives. It is not only a means of communication, but also a powerful tool that can satisfy our needs and desires in real time. Research shows that more than 70% of users would prefer to place orders and receive services online. This trend is constantly growing. Your business can`t stay away from this reality, and your customers, both current and future, expect you to be able to order products and services online.

If you don`t want to stay in the past, then read on.

The importance of online presence

Web application development is a potential solution to your challenges.

Web applications are not just pages on the Internet, but powerful tools that can meet the diverse needs of your business. They give you the opportunity to interact with customers, automate processes, and expand the audience of your brand. It`s important to understand that web applications are different from regular websites. A website generally serves the purpose of providing information or content to visitors. While a web application is a software that allows users to perform certain tasks, functions and interact with data. The difference lies in functionality and purpose: a web application actively interacts with the user, while a website mainly provides information.

Web applications are suitable for many areas of business. From the education sector with online courses and educational platforms to the medical sector with telemedicine and online consultations with doctors, as well as in the field of logistics, warehouse management and other online services. Web applications help optimize the company`s operations. They simplify internal processes, automate tasks and improve customer interactions.

Web applications in different areas

How to determine if this is exactly what is right for you?

Many entrepreneurs, realizing the importance of the digital world, strive to immerse themselves in the world of IT. However, they are often faced with new and difficult questions. In an attempt to save time and money, some entrepreneurs may make a hasty decision to select a developer without proper analysis and understanding of their professional skills. However, when the project begins, they may experience poor development quality, delays, and confusion as to why the application is not performing as expected. This can lead to frustration, loss of time and budget, and sometimes the failure of the project.

Here you need to make the right choice. It is important to remember that the digital world requires a professional approach and expertise. The process of developing and implementing online solutions is complex and multifaceted, and it is important to have a reliable partner with the experience to successfully navigate each step of the way. Appomart is ready to provide a solution for your digital needs. We specialize in creating web applications that meet your unique requirements and transform your business into a recognized leader in the online world.

Our company is focused on creating Progressive Web Applications (PWA) - progressive web applications that combine the best qualities of websites and applications. PWAs have a number of advantages:

Here are some key features of PWA:

  • Works offline: PWAs are able to retain some content and functionality even when there is no Internet connection. This allows users to use the application without network access.
  • Installation on the home screen: One of the main features of PWA is the ability to install it on the home screen of the device, like native applications. Users can add a PWA shortcut to their home screen for quick access and the app will look and behave like a native app.
  • Fast loading and performance: PWAs are optimized for fast loading and responsiveness. They use caching and other technologies to ensure pages open quickly and respond instantly to user interactions.
  • Security: PWAs are protected by HTTPS, which ensures a secure interaction between the user and the application.
  • Cross-platform: The same PWA can run on multiple devices and platforms, including mobile devices, tablets, and desktops. This allows us to save time and resources by not creating separate versions for different platforms.

Appomart is your reliable partner

To ensure that applications work quickly and smoothly, we use various tools. For example, VueJS helps us create interfaces that look beautiful and are easy for users to use. We also use Vuex and vue-router to manage data and improve performance. Axios helps us process requests to the server. All this together allows us to create high-quality web applications that meet the needs of our clients.

On the server side, where the data is stored and processed, we use PHP with the Laravel framework. This helps create reliable servers that ensure stable system operation. We use a PostgreSQL database to store data. For security and error control, we use various tools such as Laravel Passport, Laravel Debugbar, Laravel Telescope and Sentry. They help us monitor system security and quickly find and fix bugs so that users can use applications without worries.

We specialize in PWA

PWA is a modern approach to developing web applications that allows them to behave like native applications. Users can easily install such an application on their home screen, thus providing quick access to your business and content even when offline. With PWA, you not only improve customer satisfaction, but also solve a number of strategic objectives, such as increasing accessibility, improving audience interaction, and increasing the security of your online services.

We are proud of our extensive experience in working with different areas of business, and our expertise allows us to deeply understand the specifics of each area and fully meet your requirements. Don`t leave your online presence on the back burner. Contact us to discuss specific cases, examples of successful projects and analysis of your own task of developing a web application.

We have implemented over 70 major projects in various industries such as booking systems, commercial platforms, streaming services, medical and educational applications. Undoubtedly, your product is a combination of the experience we possess. Take a look at our portfolio to ensure our competence.
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Reach out to us with your project details or any inquiries you may have. We'll get back to you promptly, no matter your location. We execute projects with clients across Europe, the United States, Serbia, Israel, Singapore, and various other countries.

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