The Manifest prepoznaje Appomart kao najviše ocenjenog mobilnog app developera u Srbiji za 2024
Danas Appomart slavi značajan događaj – primanje prestižne nagrade od The Manifesta za 2024. Prema njihovom poslednjem izveštaju, naša kompanija je prepoznata kao najviše ocenjen i preporučen studio za razvoj mobilnih aplikacija u Srbiji. Započeli smo naše putovanje 2016. godine sa ciljem da pomognemo preduzećima u razvoju složenih rešenja za njihov rast, a naš rad se zasniva na strasti i posvećenosti klijentima. Priznanje od strane The Manifesta naglašava važnost uspostavljanja dugoročnih odnosa sa našim klijentima i potvrđuje našu vodeću poziciju na tržištu.

Today is an incredibly meaningful and memorable moment for us at Appomart because we’re celebrating an esteemed award we’ve recently received. We are proud to announce that our team was ranked among the top rated companies during the annual The Manifest Company Awards! According to their latest report, we are named as one of Serbia’s most reviewed and recommended mobile app developers for 2024!
When embarked on this journey to help businesses build sophisticated solutions for their growth back in 2016, we made it our goal to foster remarkable relationships with our partners. Appomart is built on the foundation of passion and commitment to our clients. It's incredible to see our ambitions turn into reality.
To give the award a better context, The Manifest is an independent business news resource designed to help clients connect with reliable service providers. The site is known for its award cycle that emphasizes the importance of establishing long-lasting relationships with clients. The leaders awarded are chosen based on the number of honest testimonials they have accumulated over the past year.
We greatly appreciate having the opportunity to achieve such a feat. It's a tremendous privilege for us to serve as our clients' trusted partners. We wouldn't be the leaders that we are today if it weren't for their unwavering support.
Thank you so much to all of our wonderful clients, stakeholders, and team members. We assure you that we will continue to work tirelessly to take care of your trust and deliver the best solutions to help your growth.
Develop human-centric solutions to unlock your business’s full potential. Connect with us and schedule a consultation so we can discuss your project.
Spremni ste da revolucionizujete svoj IT pejzaž? Partnerstvo sa Appomartom, pouzdanim provajderom rešenja. Dajte našim ekspertima da vas vode ka uspehu uz prilagođene strategije.
Ne oklevajte - zatražite poziv sada! Popunite obrazac i krenite na svoje putovanje digitalnom transformacijom. Osigurajte svoju budućnost uz Appomart danas.